Monday, March 30, 2009

what are these??

When I was just a wee little girl..haha..just playing. But when I was about eight or nine and I'm just a normal know the loner type..lmao.
So one day my chest is like itching and stuff..not like an 'I'm dirty I aint take a bath' was like inside of my skin or something and like it was kinda hurting but I didn't tell anyone cause I didn't think it was that important.
Then day I think I told my sister..or I told my mom and my sister was around and I'm like 'my chest is itching and hurting.' [[ didn't really say that.]] and my sister goes 'Well maybe it's breast cancer!'; the way she said it was like..soo hateful and

wtf..nooo mommy I don't want to die!
hehe..and my momma says 'Inika don't say that to her' but like I said before I was eight or nine so I'm SUPER gullible and I believe her so I'm walking around telling my friends that I might have breast cancer and junk...just scratching away on my chest. And my chest started protruding..and I'm still scratching.

and then there was nubs..ha..and I had to wear like these little training real bras that were kinda too the straps didn't fit and the back part didn't
it was super weird too cause I was like a misshapened little girl and I had a big stomach and then add like some little nubs on there and I'm just walking around like a fat kid with nubs on it's chest..hehe.
and I'm going to stop right here because you guys don't need to know what size titties I have.

March 30, 2009
my titties!

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