Monday, March 30, 2009

what are these??

When I was just a wee little girl..haha..just playing. But when I was about eight or nine and I'm just a normal know the loner type..lmao.
So one day my chest is like itching and stuff..not like an 'I'm dirty I aint take a bath' was like inside of my skin or something and like it was kinda hurting but I didn't tell anyone cause I didn't think it was that important.
Then day I think I told my sister..or I told my mom and my sister was around and I'm like 'my chest is itching and hurting.' [[ didn't really say that.]] and my sister goes 'Well maybe it's breast cancer!'; the way she said it was like..soo hateful and

wtf..nooo mommy I don't want to die!
hehe..and my momma says 'Inika don't say that to her' but like I said before I was eight or nine so I'm SUPER gullible and I believe her so I'm walking around telling my friends that I might have breast cancer and junk...just scratching away on my chest. And my chest started protruding..and I'm still scratching.

and then there was nubs..ha..and I had to wear like these little training real bras that were kinda too the straps didn't fit and the back part didn't
it was super weird too cause I was like a misshapened little girl and I had a big stomach and then add like some little nubs on there and I'm just walking around like a fat kid with nubs on it's chest..hehe.
and I'm going to stop right here because you guys don't need to know what size titties I have.

March 30, 2009
my titties!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What has 142 teeth and holds back the incredible hulk? My zipper. Day #1


This past weekend, it was thee following::
Precious, Kaley, Denitra, Harry, Mike, and Koby or was it Coby..??
Not 100% positive.
But it really doesn’t matter cause they thought my name was Samantha..or Ashley..

“Ohh..that’s not her name, dawg. No wonder Samantha wasn’t responding.”


Me and Precious had this little pact thing where we
WOULD talk to some boys this time going out.

I mean, we saw some boys, and we were realll closeee to going up to them, but they like..we wouldn’ just didn’t happen, okay?!

Then I got to thinking like, what is it?
What am I missing??
I mean, I’m
cute. I can dress. I give some sort of eye contact. But just..hmm..what is it??

It’s my lack of communication skills.

I mean, if a dude comes at me first, I can talk. But if it’s the other way around..uhhh..nope. Won’t work out.

Maybe it’s because I don’t want to feel the rush of rejection.
I don’t know.

But if I put myself in a guy’s Nikes, they’ll go up to who ever they want, talk to them, yeah they might get the girl and other times, they get rejected.
But they keep on going, and I respect that.

It’s just..ROAR!!
Haha..why can’t I do this?!

So yess, I went to my final resort.

I see a couple of
Yahoo Answers questions or whatev..and this one girl is like asking how should she introduce herself to guys.
And that’s exactly what my dilemma is.
I don’t have a hard time talking to guys..once I get to know them.
So I just need to learn how to
INTRODUCE myself to some finee mother suckers.

Picture it with me if you will::

Walking through the mall. You see HIM. Absolutely gorgeous.
What do you do??

A) Continue walking.
B) Stare and drool at him.
C) You friggin’ swallow that nervous-ness in you and grab those balls to reassure yourself that you can do this. And you grab that dudes left..LEFT!! Elbow, look him in the eyes, smile at him, and you compliment his pa-tooty on the shoes or shirt he is wearing..
[[Even if you don’t even like dudes who wear Abercrombie or Hot Topic, bish you better compliment him to thee fullest!!]]
And then simply..walk away. But! When you start to walk away, wait
three seconds, then turn back around. If he’s looking at you, you’re Golden. But if he’s not..well..whatever. It doesn’t matter cause like, that’s his loss, and you don’t necessarily “feel” rejected because all you did wass..yupp you guessed it..
All You Did Was Compliment Him.

I uh, hope you picked C.

You can like, talk more to ‘ol dude if you wish, but the whole compliment thing is just a starter.


Tip Number 214
This is kind of more direct to my ladies. When you finally got that chance to talk to Guy, there may be a chance that you get them digits. But whatever you do, give him your digits but don’t take his. If he likes you, he will call.
But why shouldn’t you take his number??
Here’s why.
If he likes you and wants to hang out with you, he will call. If he didn’t and has like, no intentions either, but he took your number anywho, he won’t call. What you have brilliantly done is left the ball in his court.
And guys want to feel dominate, and him being able to further this loveee thang, will make him feel good, just like ah man should.

Friday, March 27, 2009


The following things i'm bout to list are things i can not stand.

-People who are still wearing Flight Jackets
-Swagga Scarfs
-People who are always stating the obvious
-People at school who walk through the wrong doors..
For example, everybody knows you supposed to walk on the right side of the walk way..which also includes the use of using the door on the RIGHT side. So why you think it's okay to use the left door when people are supposed to be coming out of it..??
-People who yell at their dogs like all the time. Like..those dogs don't know what the freak you talking bout..and yelling is just even worse.
-Okay, like when i'm walking in school, and someone is like walking real close behind me to the side of they're trying to walk past me real fast..haha..idk..i get nervous//aggravated when ppl do that.
-HATE for my foods to touch. And anybody can tell me that it all ends up in the same Let me tell ya, i do not want my crispy chicken tenders to be covered in green bean juice..eww
-When people ask you why you did something.
Why did you cut your hair?? Cause i wanted to.

Why are you wearing that?? Cause. I. Wanted To.

Lol..idk if it's all me but i guess i just get aggravated a lot over little stuff.
And it seems like it's always with other people. Geesh.

I don't know if this is something to be proud of but i don't think i'll get Acid Reflux when i get older because i eat Taco Bell almost every other day.

Nacho Bell Grande!
[[Camera Phone Picture.]]

It's like i've built some type of immune-ness to spicy foods. Other people in my family eat something spicy and they get heartburn. But i don't.
So i guess that's good..but then it may not be cause right now i don't feel nothing but when i hit my 40's, i'll be like..huge.

Back to the stating the obvious thing, people are always telling me i have a big forehead and a "pointy nose" and a big head

But like..duh..i already know that. So why keep telling me??

Personally, i like my features.

I just say, I'm unique and they just can't handle the fact that they just blend-in with everyone!

**Big 'Ol Z-Snap**

[[And Funny Faces Too!]]

But okay, tonight my mama calls me into her bedroom and asks me something::

Moms - So when you get your insurance card, what doctors do you have to see??
Alex - Umm..The Eye, Derm, Gyno, Thera, Teeth.....
And the LOVEEEE Docta!!
Moms - **tskk tskk**
Whatever Alex..Bye..

Gaw..isn't my Mother a sweetheart??

Holding my tongue..

The other week my mother was driving me to school.
We had stopped at a stop sign [[no dip!]] and the song Want It Need It by Plies ft. Ashanti and the part were Plies says 'I'm sleepin', I feel your hand in my boxers/
Baby, it's five in the mornin', you rubbin' on Oscar/
Know if you wake him up it's gon' be problem'
and my mother says "Whose Oscar??" in her little weird squeaky
and I wanted sooo bad to like yell out 'IT'S HIS DICK MOM..HIS DICK!!!!' but I had to hold my tongue and I said nothing.
I just pretended like I didn't hear her because if I would have said 'IT'S HIS DICK MOM..HIS DICK!!' she prolly would have like..stopped the car and gave me the talk about the birds and the bees. [[and we don't want that =/]]
or looked at me like I had 'bout 6 heads.

Highlights: I got a new bed's black; gray; and a lighter gray!, I think my hair is growing, I have a little more freedoms! lol
Lowlights: I have a lot of scars on my face..grr, my hair dye is almost completely grown out, the ambi fade cream stuff I use to fade my scars doesn't really work, I still don't have a boyfriend

March 27, 2009
'Whose Oscar??'

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Little Alpha Female-Ish Aren't We

As I look back on the past few months..yearss..mears..??

I see that I am lacking a bunch of stuff in my life.
Pshh. A friggin’ job. A Puggle dog. A car. Etc...
But one thing that is like, on thee tippy top of my list isssss..


A Boo. A Baby. A Boyfriend.

It’s not like I necessarily NEED a man but it’s just like..I’m tired of being around females all day long!
Haha. I want to be able to feel some chin hair and smell some AXE Body Spray for a change.

And I’m at a time in my life where it would be nice to have a boyfriend. So I think I’m also at a healthy state where, like I said, I don’t need one but I would like one.

I Want A Man, Dxmn It.

There have been times where I’ll see a dude who is like, what I want in a dude, and I just let it walk past. Never seeing them again. And I just like, figured this out but like, if I want something..then I should go get it, right??

For example, if a pig and a frog cost the same price and you really really want a pig, but then come to find out, there aren’t any more wouldn’t waste your money on getting the frog because it’s not what you want, right?? You would just wait until the Farm had got some more pigs.


Haha..wrong example. But okay, more like this. If you want a striped sweater, you would go and get that striped sweater!!

Much better.

So now, I have this determination to get a boyfriend before this year is over. I mean, imma do whatever it gotta take. I’ll learn to build up the courage to go talk to guys that I want to get to know.
I’ll take chances.
I’ll take risks.

I’ll do the whole dern!

As a way to make sure I keep up with this goal, is to blog about my progress in this..uhh..Man Hunt of mine.

[[Urban Dictionary of the word Man Hunt:: A venture in which one or more members of the female sex set out to find themselves each a man.]]

And I’m not starting this blog series up just to like, have it up here. It’s also going to be, I hope, a helpful tool to girls AND guys out there who would like to know some relationship advice as well.

So hop into a well constructed, comfortable seating position and come along for the ride of
Alex’s Man Hunt!


Tip Number 327
Let other people know that you are looking for a significant other. All you gotta do is go up to some of your close friends and say
“I really want to be in a relationship. So if you know of anybody whose nice and single, keep me in mind.”
It may take some deep gulps of swallowing your pride, but trust me. If you want something, you’ll do whatever you can to get it.

Monday, March 23, 2009

How To Blend Tutorial

If you are just starting out into designing your own pictures or even if you're like..up there at PRO Level.Everybody always wants to know how to BLENDD their pictures.

So that is what I will be doing today..=)

NOTE:: This tutorial is written for Paint Shop Pro

1) Make sure that the pictures you want to use have like the same background and stuff and are the same size.

2) Open up the pictures you want to use in PSP.
I have chosen to use two pics of thee sexy Chris Brown.

File -> New
Make the transparent background almost the same size as your pictures.

[[I'm using width of 900 and the height of 425]]

4) Go to each one of your pictures and COPY them and then go back to your transparent background and PASTE them as a NEW LAYER.

5) When both of your pictures are on the transparent background, you then want to take your PAN TOOL.

[[Which is the little hand icon..alllll the way at the top of your little tool section...thingy..]]

And with that tool, arrange your photos so that one of the photos is overlapping the OTHER so..

6) Click on the ERASER TOOL and erase some of the background at the part where the pictures over lap.

7) When you're done erasing what you want out of your picture, you then want to click on the CROP TOOL and crop out your picture.

And that is the final result!

You then can add brushes and text and all that good ishh.

But you know I had to make mine look all purdy and what not

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The day I was born!

This post is mainly gonna be pictures...I LOVED my outfit
and also..for the first time in like EVER I didn't design the pictures..just put a "watermark" on it.

I like the look of my hair in this one!

thee birthday outfit && my rugrats pillow

my happened naturally


my 'fit again

one year ago today..ugh

HIGHLIGHTS: a lot of ppl told me happy birthday today...I got presents...I wore a name tag that said 'Hello my name is: AVAILABLE Birthday Girl' [[ppl called me desperate and nasty]]...I got presents...some ppl sung to me...kisses!

my 'father' didn't call me...I barely did anything...I got hit a lot...I still didn't get a 'father'
didn't call me.

March 18, 2009
the best day ever!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bad Girls Bad Girls..Whatcha Gone Do.

This past weekend..March 14th to be exact. Me and Precious broke the law.
So now, ya’ll probably thinking like..we robbed a couple kids or we spray painted some trains..but nawww. We just went to go see an R-rated Movie..


Haha..but I mean..that’s pretty bad butt huh??

Now probably, thee readers at home have probably been in THOUSANDS of R-rated movies by their selves when they are under the age limit..but this was me and Precious’ first time so it’s kind of Insert silly phrase here…lol..I don’t know how to describe it.

So we’re in my room, thinking of like how are we gone pull this off. I’m texting other people asking them how they got in to see r-rated movies, we’re googling ish to see what people gotta say..we did all that.
And just like..all of a sudden. It hits me! plan was soo perfecto. WATCHMEN started at 9:55 and Confessions Of A Shopaholic started at 9:45. And so like, we could ask thee people first for Watchmen tickets and see what they say. And then I’ll like
“Change My Mindd”
And plan to see Confessions instead.

So I go up to the Ticket Booth and I’m thinking


There’s this little teenage looking girl giving out tickets..she’ll let us in for sure.
I heard those dreaded words..

“Can I see your ID??”

DERN IT! Like ugh. So we get tickets for Confession Of A Shopholic.

We go inside the’s like a total desert up in there anywayss.

We turn in our tickets and we go and find our theater. Turns out, Confessions is like placed alll thee way down at the end of the theater and
So is Watchmen.

[[This part gets scary]]

Before we go and sit in Watchmen, we go back to the bathroom and then to the concession stand and we’re walking back to the theater and Precious tells me that they are looking at the people who work at the movies..and I’m freaking out..I’m sweating like ah bishh right now.
And I bend down to tie my shoe laces and this boy that works there comes up to us and he’s like

“So what movie are yall seeing?”


“Oh..are yall just strolling around??”


And we leave him and finally walk into the theater and we go sit all thee way in the back in the cut.

And I’m like on some stuff being like

“Uh huh..I can’t be in here right now. I gotta go..I gotta leave..I can’t be in here. That boy talking to us was a set up! He probably gone go back and tell the officer down there that we’re at the wrong movies! The officer is probably outside of these doors right now. Probably thee whole SWAT team is out there waiting for us to come out. Let’s go ask for these people for their tickets..see if they’ll give us their tickets!”

Haha..and every time I heard someone come into the theater, I would think it’s an officer that works here or it’s like..and undercover cop or something.

Then I calmed down and watched the movie. Which turns out, I don’t think I even liked I just liked the graphics. Seriously. Precious, she understood it though. But she was paying attention to the movie while I was thinking of which fence to jump and what door to exit out of incase the whole Police Department bust open this sucka.

But now that I have had time to look back, it really is not that hard to get into an R-Rated movie by yourself. And I’m like..dang. If I would have known I could pull this off before, I could of seen all these movies when they first came out in theaters like Notorious, Zack And Miri Make A Porno, The Saw Movies..and mucho moree.

But there's always next time.
**wink wink**

Friday, March 13, 2009

'I'm from the tre'


Today in Civics [[third block]], Chris was talking all this junk about nothing really.
Then he says that I don't know anything about the hood [[part of the junk he was talking]]
and I say, in a New-New voice, 'I'm from the tre'
and I said that like 3 more times and I asked him if he knew where I got it from and he was like 'no' so I say, in a New-New voice again, 'I'm from the tre'; then in an Esquire voice I say 'you aint from the tre!'; and then in a New-New voice I say, 'well my daddy is'
and Chris remembers where it came from..lmao.



March 13, 2009
'I'm from the tre!'

mmm..Eye Contact =]]


So the other day..I'm browsing the know; just looking.

and I go to uh..this dude's page..haha..I aint gonna say his name cause then it would be like I'm giving him a shout-out, and that's unfair to the many viewers because I aint giving them shout-outs.
welp..back to the story..and I like pause his song because I aint feel like listening to that junk DERN and I see there's a video!
so I had to watch it.

turns out the video is of ppl dancing to the song on his page..ugh.

eff the fricken song it's all about the video.

so I watch the video; tell Alex about it; and then leave his page...then like a couple of hours later I go to youtube; search the video; watch it on there; and then I see BLOOPERS!; watch that ish.

and then I remember that I'm apart of a fricken blogspot; now I'm here showing you guys the video..if you haven't seen it already..if you have oh well watch it again.

I like how it's like a tutting song but also a freak dancing song [[..??]]
grr...just watch

March 13, 2009


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Call Me A Flip-Flopper..

Eh..Keri Keri Keri..

I liked her on the Lloyd Banks song
And yes, i even bumped the song
"The Way I Are"
Probably everybody's ringtone,
"Turnin' Me On"
I was listening to as well..

Then all of a sudden...


She talks smack about Beyonce and Ciara!

As this one dude in this one video had said..and i quote
"Who the fxck is you to diss Beyonce, bxtch?! You stranger!! You fxckin' stranger, bxtch..i don't know you! I ah snatch this muhfxckin' cloth off and throw it at that tired a$$, fxckin' window over there.."

But exactly, Miss Keriii Hilsonnnn..
Who are you???
You aint EVER going to be might beat Ciara..but no..NO!
CiCi..i mess with..i love her back off her too!


But then i heard her new little song that is out
"Make Love"

And i like her all over again..=/

Monday, March 9, 2009

Bueller..?? Bueller..?? guys..I know you're here..lmao.
so comment; follow; you know..whatever else to let let it be known that you're here and we aren't blogging just to see ourselves blog.

I know we're new here and we haven't posted that many blogs...but heck we need love so we can like...blow this jank up!

but yeah..comment and all that good stuff so we'll know that we aren't blogging in vain.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dreezy On Tha Track

If you don’t know who Drake..Aubrey Graham is then you must be living under some big ‘ol boulder for your whole life or something.

Personally, to me, Drake is one of thee most talent…est rappers in this rap game right now. I mean, do I even have to break this down for you??

Check out the mixtapes.
Check out the remixes.
Check out all his ish on like Youtube or Imeem or something.
Check out his show “Degrassi” to check HIM out..;)

Likee..UGH!! He’s so ill-matic..
[[As the people in my third period always sayy..]]
He has talent in anything, he even ghost-wrote some of Lil Wayne’s stuff so if you bumpin’ Wayne..but dissin’ Drake..?? Then you have ah you like Wayne..then you like Drake..maybe even more than's simple

I remember first hearing “Replacement Girl” from him..and just because he rapped so fast, I wanted to like learn those lyrics soooo bad! Haha.
And then I heard some other songs from him..pretty good..then I heard “Ransom”


Haha..his verse..oh my goodnesss. Pure Greatness. Ever since hearing that, I have been officially sprung off of this dude. His music just wants to make me get a Louie Scarf, baggy sweat pants with the JOE BOXER name being displayed, and like..tons of Benjamin’s hanging out the front of my music makes the “gangster” come out of me.
[[Also. Drake deff knows how to slow it down..hhmmmm..ooh wee.]]

And for like..the people who are not on the Drake Band Wagon right now..and all have all these negative things to say..well let me tell you something:::

“I don’t like him cause he wanna sing and rap..if I wanna hear that then I’ll listen to R. Kelly or something..”
- Okay but ummm..Drake is talented at both of those things..he’s not this and he’s not that..he’s dude. And like, Lauryn Hill was great at both rapping and singing..and EVERYBODY loves her, huh??

“He’s not ah ‘realll’ rapper..”
- Let me guess, you probably think a ‘real’ rapper is someone rapping about trailer parks or drinking Sham-Pag-Nay or their baby mamas or whatever. Get over yourself and broaden your mind.

But I Digress.

So yeahh, people should listen to more Drake songs before judging and I doubt that he is gunna disappear quickly.

So either get use to Drake or leave Drake alone..and don’t hate cause Baby, don’t nobody like no haterssssss!!
