Sunday, April 26, 2009

Where Are They Now??

Did you notice thee new layout??
Courtesy of MEE!!
Also what's different is we added a blog list of other blogs that we follow and that you should check out as well.
We also switched from whack Imeem Playerss to My Flash Fetish Playerss.
And me and Precious both noticed how a lot of the blogs that have like..100 something followers and junk..all had
dark colored backgrounds.
So we hope with the color change, we get some new readers.

But anywho.

I'm just curious like, have you ever listened to some old old OLD song and realize like,
Where is this rapper now??
Where is this singer??

So here is a list of some artists that I've kind of been worrying about.

They both did "Sunshine" together.

This group did "Single For The Rest Of My Life"
They were kind of fly, I liked them.

50 just demolished his career.

She did "One Thing"

She was first in the group Dame4.
Then she went solo.
Did a song called "Complete"
And some other whack ishh.
And she is still or was with Mar-CUS Houston.

They did "Lost In Love" seriously.
Where is this dude??

This group did "Love Song"
And they were also on some Lil Fizz track.

She did "Getting' Some Head.."

Aw, thee lovely Tamia.
She had numeroso songss.

"Bet she can't wiggle like that with a dxck in ha.."

Ahh..good times.
I had more that i thought of a while back but i guess they REALLY didn't make that big of an impact in music for
me to remember them.

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