Sunday, October 11, 2009

I am a Junior, Hear me ROAR!

I've been in school since August and I've yet to write a blog about it.

Last year my Honors English 2 teacher said that you aren't official into the next grade until you have your first semester credits.
but hell...I was a Junior on June 8th, 2009...when I walked out of school after that last test.
I think it was that day.

but yeah...this semester my classes are super easy, so I know next semester I'm gonna be in for some hard working.

1st block I have Spanish 2 with Mr. Callajas...and he loves me so I love that class..lmao.
2nd block I have Dance 1 with Ms. Kissman and she's young and nice, so the class is a blast.
3rd block I have Library Science with Mrs. Morgan...we're like Library Assistants or whatever and Mrs. Walker is always on our tails [[it's three of us]] about every little thing...ugh..but it's easy or whatever.
4th block I have AP Environment with Mrs. Ingles and all we do is take it's easy..just a lot of notes.

In December we have to put on a dance concert...I believe imma fail.
In May is the AP Exam and considering the fact that I do bad on the test I'm gonna probably fail the exam...blah.

over the summer I said on the first day of school I was gonna run into the building and yell 'I'M A JUNIOR' but me being Precious.....I didn't do it...I just walked into the school smiling..lmao.

Just found out this FRESHMAN wants to talk to me...lmao.
Story: I have second lunch and the table that is directly in front of mines is full of Freshman...whatever. So one day I get home and I see I have a friends request from someone in Salisbury. The picture is of a dude and he's in a suit but it's far my head I'm like 'whatever...I'm not gonna talk to him anyway.'
But then I get a message from him and he's like 'Do you go to SHS' and I'm like 'yeah'; 'Do you have second lunch' I'm like 'yeah'; 'Do you sit at the third long table' I'm like :| 'yes...why?'; 'I was on Myspace and I thought I saw you' or some ish like that.
so I don't write him back...blah...he writes me again asking what my name is...mind you my screen name is 'Preh-Shis' and I have a whole fricken about me practically. But I tell him anyway and he tells me his name but I don't care because I'll probably never talk to him at school. [[no i'm not mean]]
Couple of days late...I'm in third block and a class is in there. This girl name Muh-Kay-Luh comes up to me and ask me if I could give my number to her to give it to a dude named Devon. And even though I had just had my phone out I say I don't have a number because I don't play that. ugh. If YOU want to talk to me YOU come up to me YOURSELF and ask me for my number. So she writes his number in my binder..whatever.
Then the next day I'm coming out of Dance and this girl named Samantha asks me about Devon and I just look at her or whatever and the next day she asks me something about him again. Then she finally asks 'Will you go with a Freshman?' and I'm like ''
so I guess that's over.

but really...what I look like being a junior going with a freshman.
I'm on my senior project and he don't even got an idea of what he writing about...lmao.
[[what does that have to do with anything...I have no clue]]

but more year of school and then I'm off to college.
I'm thinking UNCG...maybe...I have to look at more colleges.

I'll be taking senior pictures next summer...taking the SATs and ACTs soon...already took the PSATs last year and bombed..lmao.

I got accepting into the National Honor's Society....all my hard work is actually paying off..haha.
I've joined Junior Civitan...only so it would look good on my NHS application.
I'm thinking about playing a sport...but that will probably remain a thought.
this is a big year for so many ways..hehe.

October 11, 2009

&& yes I'm roaring loudly.

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