I know you guys were probably thinking 'wtf happened to Butta?!'
well here I is..lol.
School is really hectic right now considering it is the end of the school year and this semester I have all EOC classes except one...but she acts like it's an EOC class since it's honors.
after my last exam I will try to post a lot of blogs..if I'm not too lazy =/
but we'll save that topic for another day...ha.
back to my ongoing battle with my hair and my skin.
The other month Alex showed me the list of topics and stuff we made for the blogspot...and one of them was hair...so since my hair gives me a lot of problems imma talk about this ish like it's a girl I don't like.
haha...I just made that one up!
I ain't gonna go back to when I was a little baby cause one I don't remember that far and too the blog will be too long...so I'm going to start from last summer.
imma skip some stuff...blah.
so after Christmas in January or so I asked my mom to get me a perm..she did..the lady at the shop clipped off a lot of my hair but I was fine with it..then my mom has this crazy theory were you aren't suppose to cut your ends every time you get a perm...so the last time I got a perm [[last month]] I didn't get my ends cut.
now my ends are super bad because they didn't get cut and because the dye is messing them up so I told myself next time I get a perm [[on the thirtieth]] the I am going to get my hair cut evenly..which will make it kinda short but they will also get rid of a majority of my split ends.
it's a huge step..=/...but I'm willing to take it.
now my skin...it's very oily.
my mom says she hates that I have skin like my dad..which means she hates my skin..right??
I used to use proactive but as soon as my skin cleared up I stopped..then the proactive expired and I never got anymore.
for the most part my skin is pretty clear..it's just my forehead that keeps breaking out because I always wear a swoop which adds more oil to my forehead.
I'm going to the dermatologist on the twenty-sixth and hopefully they can give me something to clear up my skin and fade the scars..hopefully.
on a lighter note!
I got a three on my writing test..which means I passed it..lol..I got an award for that, Geometry, Spanish 1, and Algebra 2 for having the highest average. Which means I got four awards..ha..YES!
I won a Flip Video camera for my poetry..which we [[me, Alex, and Kaley]] will be using a lot over the summer!
and I have a few job applications for summer jobs.
May 23, 2009
kinda back in action.
well here I is..lol.
School is really hectic right now considering it is the end of the school year and this semester I have all EOC classes except one...but she acts like it's an EOC class since it's honors.
after my last exam I will try to post a lot of blogs..if I'm not too lazy =/
but we'll save that topic for another day...ha.
back to my ongoing battle with my hair and my skin.
The other month Alex showed me the list of topics and stuff we made for the blogspot...and one of them was hair...so since my hair gives me a lot of problems imma talk about this ish like it's a girl I don't like.
haha...I just made that one up!
I ain't gonna go back to when I was a little baby cause one I don't remember that far and too the blog will be too long...so I'm going to start from last summer.
Last summer I went to California and since my honey blonde dye was growing out I wanted to dye it another color..so I chose red..lol.
which was a good idea at first, but once it started to fade and stuff it turned bad.
my hair turned back to honey blonde..which I liked..but blonde really does damage to your ends..ugh.which was a good idea at first, but once it started to fade and stuff it turned bad.
imma skip some stuff...blah.
so after Christmas in January or so I asked my mom to get me a perm..she did..the lady at the shop clipped off a lot of my hair but I was fine with it..then my mom has this crazy theory were you aren't suppose to cut your ends every time you get a perm...so the last time I got a perm [[last month]] I didn't get my ends cut.
now my ends are super bad because they didn't get cut and because the dye is messing them up so I told myself next time I get a perm [[on the thirtieth]] the I am going to get my hair cut evenly..which will make it kinda short but they will also get rid of a majority of my split ends.
it's a huge step..=/...but I'm willing to take it.
now my skin...it's very oily.
my mom says she hates that I have skin like my dad..which means she hates my skin..right??
I used to use proactive but as soon as my skin cleared up I stopped..then the proactive expired and I never got anymore.
for the most part my skin is pretty clear..it's just my forehead that keeps breaking out because I always wear a swoop which adds more oil to my forehead.
I'm going to the dermatologist on the twenty-sixth and hopefully they can give me something to clear up my skin and fade the scars..hopefully.
on a lighter note!
I got a three on my writing test..which means I passed it..lol..I got an award for that, Geometry, Spanish 1, and Algebra 2 for having the highest average. Which means I got four awards..ha..YES!
I won a Flip Video camera for my poetry..which we [[me, Alex, and Kaley]] will be using a lot over the summer!
and I have a few job applications for summer jobs.
May 23, 2009
kinda back in action.
congrats on ur awards ;D