a little disclaimer.
I'm watching Dr. Phil right now and it's about this family, the fifteen year old daughter is pregnant, the dad is a cheater, the twelve year old daughter is angry with her sister for getting pregnant, and the mama is playing the blame game...stupid.
and also..I just noticed that Alex changed her little post picture thingy..so imma change mines too...in due time.
so you know how before I said that my phone upgrade was on the twenty-first and I wanted the LG Xenon, welp turns out my upgrade is on the twenty-sixth and I changed it to the LG Vu. I fricken love that phone!
I played with it at the AT&T store a little...it's small also.
and you remember how I said that I was gonna get my hair cut in a style??
well I did..it's super short too.
when I first got my hair done I was pmsing like a mo-fo so I was shxtty about everything.
and I hated it..lol.
now I'm kinda use to it but I want my back to grow a little longer, it's the shortest..ugh.
the other day the rising juniors had to go up to the school to consult with the principle about our classes and he was disappointed in me about dropping Honors English III to CP English III.
I was thinking about going to Honors English IIII senior year...but I don't know...lol.
and I'm taking AP Environmental Science and I just found out we had a summer project..ha.
so he gave me the paper and one of the tasks was to plant some plants...help the environment in a sense.
so I decided to plant two bell peppers...red and green.
the taller one is the red one.
today I realized that maybe we were supposed to start from scratch..with seeds instead of plants...lmao.
but oh well..I started late!
my dad went like...completely haywire when he found out I had a boyfriend...lmao.
like every other day he texts me with the weird text messages about nothing.
it's getting annoying.
Story Time!
the other day my mother's boyfriend went to fix my sister's transmission and when he was finished he called me and asked was I still dressed and I'm like yeah and he says 'good cause imma need you to drive your mom's car back home from your sister's house' and I'm like 'okay.'
mind you I only have my permit and when I drive I make a lot of simple mistakes..lmao.
but still I get my niece ready, put my flip-flops back on and I wait for him to call me back.
when he gets her we ride over to my sister's house which is a ways away from where I live and the furthest I've drove is to Alex's house or to Wal-Mart.
but yeah...we get there I climb over the seat, adjust the seat and tell my sister's boyfriend's daughter to buckle up.
I'm driving, Jakiya keeps looking in the back at Tyaza, Tyaza's too quiet...but I can't look back cause I might crash.
there is construction work and I'm kinda nervous so my feet are sweating and my flip-flop is kinda sliding off...haha.
I'm in the turning lane and the light turns yellow and I'm like 'should I turn, should I stop...ugh..IMMA JUST TURN!'
and my mama has a Blazer so it's kinda big.
but needless to say, I go us home perfectly safe AND I parked the car straight.
no mistakes either!
another disclaimer.
just because a person gets pregnant as a teenager, or gets a girl pregnant as a teenager DOESN'T mean their life is ruined...maybe it'll get a little harder but their life isn't ruined.
Dr. Phil just said the pregnant girl ran her life into ruins for getting pregnant at fourteen, fifteen.
stupid bxtch.
July 23, 2009
some updates.
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