Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Will You Marry Me??


When I was I was little I use to DREAM of my wedding day.

I remember saying that my wedding colors were going to be a dark purple and black and my friends use to like...make fun of me because black is supposed to be the color of death and I wanted it for my wedding..ha.

but then as I grew up I kinda grew away from that dream.

my mama got married when I was in third grade...the middle of third grade to be exact and I had to move from Colorado Springs, Colorado where I had been living for a while to Denver, Colorado to a whole new scenery. And there is a difference...an hour is a lot of time for change.

I had to get used to it being a man in the house instead of me, my mom, and my two sisters...then I had to get used to it being us minus one sister...all in this whole new place.

and I saw how like..my mama kinda changed when she got married...nothing was the same...and her husband was a control freak now that I look back on it.

He used to always tell me and my sister that it was our room it was our occupied space and if we weren't hungry because hunger is for people who are starving.

one time he asked me to pour him some orange juice...and instead of leaving like a little corner of orange juice in the jug, I pour it all in the cup.
And when I took it to him he got mad because the cup was filled and he made me drink it down to where he liked.


and then my dad has been married to his wife for a very long time and it's never a minute that they don't argue.
every summer that I've went out there I've never seen a day go by where they haven't argued...even on the way to church [[when he made me go]] they argued.

One summer she kicked my dad and me out because my mama had called my dad's phone, and he drove me home [[Denver, Colorado]] from California because we didn't have anywhere to go.

and I guess these bad experiences with marriage has made me not want to marry.

in my opinion marriage is over-rated; me and my significant other can do just about all the same things with or without a marriage certificate and ring.

and I know it may sound weird because almost all young girl's dreams are to get married and have the white picket fence homes with the ideal family...BUT I don't really go for fairy tales.

July 28, 2009

you said what now?!?!

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