I bet you guys think this is a real secret huh??
Since North Carolina has this new law that says you can't get a tattoo until you turn eighteen and my mama won't let me get a tattoo until I turn eighteen I can only plan my tattoos out..lol.
and when I turn eighteen imma be Lil Wayne :|
okay..my first one is gonna be a butterfly on my wrist, the side that the palm is on, and it's gonna be in dark colors like black, dark green, and dark purple. And in white ink I'm gonna have my grandparents' initials [[mw; hm; cw; mm]] in it or on it somewhere.
I thought butterflies symbolized like death or something but on Wikianswers it says new life and old life...something like that.
my second one is gonna be the Japanese symbol for love or joy on my pelvic bone...close to my WHO-HA..lmao. I was gonna get my name, but that's stupid..so yeah.
my third one is gonna be a heart or something by my lung...prolly my left side and it's gonna have my mother's name on it because she's the air that I breath. Or I might get something inside the heart that symbolizes her instead of getting her name.
and my fourth one is gonna be the infinity sign..ha.
Me, Kaley, and Alex said that when we turn eighteen we were gonna all get the same or similar tattoos to symbolize our freindship. And yesterday Alex came up with the bright idea of infinity sign tattoos...at first I said I was gonna get our initials[[PAK]] inside of the sign but now that I think back on it..I'll just get the sign and leave it at that. Maybe on my foot or ankle or something.
that's all I got so far, I might think of more and if I do..I'll try to write a blog about it..but chyeah...let me know what you think of my ideas.
July 10, 2009
tat-tat-tatted up!!
Since North Carolina has this new law that says you can't get a tattoo until you turn eighteen and my mama won't let me get a tattoo until I turn eighteen I can only plan my tattoos out..lol.
and when I turn eighteen imma be Lil Wayne :|
okay..my first one is gonna be a butterfly on my wrist, the side that the palm is on, and it's gonna be in dark colors like black, dark green, and dark purple. And in white ink I'm gonna have my grandparents' initials [[mw; hm; cw; mm]] in it or on it somewhere.
I thought butterflies symbolized like death or something but on Wikianswers it says new life and old life...something like that.
my second one is gonna be the Japanese symbol for love or joy on my pelvic bone...close to my WHO-HA..lmao. I was gonna get my name, but that's stupid..so yeah.
my third one is gonna be a heart or something by my lung...prolly my left side and it's gonna have my mother's name on it because she's the air that I breath. Or I might get something inside the heart that symbolizes her instead of getting her name.
and my fourth one is gonna be the infinity sign..ha.
Me, Kaley, and Alex said that when we turn eighteen we were gonna all get the same or similar tattoos to symbolize our freindship. And yesterday Alex came up with the bright idea of infinity sign tattoos...at first I said I was gonna get our initials[[PAK]] inside of the sign but now that I think back on it..I'll just get the sign and leave it at that. Maybe on my foot or ankle or something.
that's all I got so far, I might think of more and if I do..I'll try to write a blog about it..but chyeah...let me know what you think of my ideas.
July 10, 2009
tat-tat-tatted up!!
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