Friday, June 12, 2009


Now that school is out..
That can only mean one thingg..

Fxck teachers.
Fxck them lame gang banger as* boys. =/
Fxck them doo-doo mamas.
Fxck all the homework I ever got!
Fxck school police officers.
Fxck the receptionist in the Guidance Building.
Fxck the Time Out teacher.
Fxck the new wing part of the school.
Fxck the fourth floor.
Fxck the Bio Med Tech teacher!
Fxck classroom time in the library.
Fxck all the informational ish in homeroom.
Fxck the D I got one time in Biology.
Fxck homeroom period.
Fxck the girls who brought their babies//family members//ex convicts to school.
Fxck the school lunch...only sometimes though.
Fxck having one of the school parking spaces that was farr awayy from thee school.
Fxck Alex for choosing the parking space.
Fxck Precious because she never had to ride in the morning TO thee parking space.
Fxck the busted people period at our school.
Fxck the moody pregnant teachers.
Fxck the B's I got on my EOCs.
Fxck the bus driver who misses my bus stop every afternoon.
Fxck the people who broke the school dress code.
Fxck all the dumb tattoos that everybody got this school year.
Fxck everyone who got lip piercings around the time I got mine. :|
Fxck the speed bumps my bus had to go over every day.
Fxck all the slackers.
Fxck the lady in the SIMS office.
Fxck the Activ Board because nobody could play with it.
Fxck those long boring assemblies.
Fxck having to go up there to get my awards, on my bad day.
Fxck those nasty as* suckers they sold at school.
Fxck the lockers because nobody could fit in them.
Fxck the students who talked back to the teachers for stupid reasons.
Fxck the people who came to school stank.
Fxck the people who were still wearing track suits during hot weather.
Fxck the people who wore flip-flops in rain, sleet, AND snow.
Fxck the girls who wore basketball gear and sweats every day.
Fxck not having a school nurse.
Fxck the books I had to read in English II.
Fxck the whack little first-aid kits they had in the classrooms.

Fxck school period because it's the summer now..

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